/Zero Waste Reuse & Recycling Drop-Off
Those computers, small appliances, and electronic discards that don't belong in the regulsr recycling bins can safely be dropped off during this free zero waste reuse and recycling opportunity. They now also accept clean clothing, bedding, and textiles.
Saturday, March 10 at Barclay Manor Parking Lot (1447 Barclay) from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
It's Community Lunch Time!
Everyone is invited to lunch at Gordon Neighbourhood House. Community Lunches are an opportunity for community members to enjoy a meal together, meet new people, and catch up with friends in a casual environment.
On Mondays volunteers prepare and serve an amazing pay-what-you-can (suggested donation $2) vegan hot dish that incorporates the fresh produce from our farms.
For Tuesdays and Thursdays, Chef Peter prepares a delicious three-course menu including soup or salad, a main course, dessert and coffee/tea, all for $5.
Come out on Wednesdays for a pay-what-you-can Nourish Bowl a delicious hot meal in a bowl, typically with a layer of cooked grains on the bottom (eg. brown rice), a mix of cooked and raw seasonal vegetables, some protein (tofu, chickpeas or meat), and to top it off, a mouth watering savoury sauce.
For more information contact or 604-683-2554.
Tales From The West End
Michael Kluckner.
An evening of story-telling as West End residents, past and present, share stories of our community. Tales from the West End takes place the third Tuesday of every September, October, November, January, February and March.
This month writer and artist Michael Kluckner is the featured story teller. Michael has tales to tell from his latest graphic novel, a biography of West End resident Julia Henshaw.
You are encouraged to listen, sketch and bring your own stories and historic photographs of the West End to share with the community.
Tuesday, March 20 at JJ Bean Coffee (1209 Bidwell @ Davie) from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Free admission and complimentary coffee and tea by JJ Bean.
Roedde House Annual General Meeting
Roedde House Museum at 1415 Barclay Street.
Roedde House Museum is pleased to invite you to Roedde House 2018 AGM on Tuesday, March 20th at 7PM. The AGM is always a great opportunity to meet staff, board directors, and other members of Team Roedde, while getting more involved with the organization. The agenda includes an current and new events for the year, new budget decisions, and an election for new board members.
The Roedde House Preservation Society is dedicated to the preserving, maintaining and enhancing of the Roedde House Museum and to presenting heritage exhibits and programs reflecting the early history of Vancouver for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations.
Since the Museum’s official opening in May, 1990, the Roedde House Preservation Society has run Roedde House as a threefold facility: A museum with guided tours, including an active schools program; a venue for music and other entertainment; and a rental facility for small receptions.
The planning, coordination and overall management is carried out by the Board of Directors and the House Manager. Financial support comes from the Provincial Government in the form of an annual Direct Access grant, revenue from rentals, donations, admission, and membership fees. As well, over the years, specific projects have been possible with the help of foundations and private sector funding.
All are welcome! Members are encouraged to attend and vote on executive decisions. Refreshments will be provided. See you there!
Easter Carnival at Coal Harbour Community Centre
Join the Easter Bunny for the annual Easter Carnival at Coal Harbour Community Centre, and share in the family fun.
They'll have an Easter egg hunt, lots of arts and crafts activities for all ages, a bouncy castle, face-painting, balloon animal making, and a photo booth so you can prove you were there. The promo states that there will be an "animal display" but no details. Bunnies probably. Lambs maybe. Elephants .... probably not.
This is all geared to the to two to seven-year-old set and parent participation is required. Pre-registration recommended, at the CHCC. $5 per child in advance, $7 at the door.
Saturday, March 24 at the Coal Harbour Community Centre (480 Broughton).
Tax Time Help in the West End
It's that time of year again and there are several West End community services to help seniors and other low-income individuals get through the paperwork.
Appointments can be made at Gordon Neighbourhood House and you can get more information by calling 604.683.2554.
St. Paul's Anglican Church Advocacy Office at 1130 Jervis holds a drop-in on Mondays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call 604.683.4287 for more information.
The West End Seniors Network will hold a total of nine drop-in opportunity Sundays in March and April from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call 604.669.5051.
It's inevitable!